All the Information You Need to Maintain and Clean Your Sex Toys

The market for sex toys is booming. By 2030, the sector may be worth more than $75 billion, according to current estimates, which put it at over $40 billion. Everyone is using it these days, including couples and single users as well as millennials and baby boomers. Sex toys may even be good for your health, according to research.

Read More: sex toys manila

But even though experts believe it should be, people don’t always think about the safety of sex toys. According to one research, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission do not control the sex toy sector, thus nobody is in charge of making sure the devices are safe. Of course, there are also highly personal uses for sex toys.

So how can you take advantage of all the enjoyment that sex toys have to offer while also taking care of yourself? These are five vital safety guidelines that each knowledgeable sex toy buyer ought to be aware of.

Understand the Materials Used to Make Your Toys

Certain materials used in sex toys are ones that customers may decide to stay away from, even though there isn’t any scientific research examining their safety for the human body.

Phthalates are used in several toys. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, these compounds, which are included in some plastics, have been outlawed for use in items like pacifiers and children’s toys because they may interfere with human hormones.

According to the FDA, it’s unknown if phthalates have any effect on human health at all. It’s crucial to be aware that they could be present in your sex toys even if you have personally chosen to avoid them in other areas of your life, including your cosmetics.

Numerous goods claim to be free of phthalates, but as the business is mainly unregulated, no independent body verifies the accuracy of those claims. Therefore, one thing to consider is if the toys you are playing with are mushy or gelatinous. Phthalates are softening agents. They are more frequently seen in toys that are squishier and composed of more porous materials.

According to Alyssa Dweck, MD, a gynecologist in Westchester County, New York, and the author of The Complete A to Z for Your V, porous sex toys are also “more likely to transmit infection.” Their surfaces are more porous, which explains why.

Regularly Wash and Dry Your Sexual Toys

As you are undoubtedly aware, having intercourse raises a woman’s risk of UTIs, or urinary tract infections. Unbeknownst to you, the vicinity of the anus harbors the germs responsible for a urinary tract infection. The likelihood of the surrounding bacteria migrating into a woman’s urethra, where they might grow and cause a UTI, is increased during sexual activity.

Strict genital hygiene is necessary to avoid UTIs, and part of that cleanliness is keeping anything that comes into touch with delicate parts as germ-free as possible. “Anything that touches or goes into your anus — like a finger, penis, or sex toy — should be thoroughly washed before touching other genitals,” advises Planned Parenthood, due to this reason.

Because toys may harbor germs and viruses, they can potentially transmit illnesses, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Dweck remembers a patient who was perplexed as to why she continued to have trichomoniasis, a common STI that is treatable. “Why do I keep getting this?” she wondered. She wasn’t adequately cleaning her toy, as it turns out,” Dweck remarks. Every time her patient used her vibrator, she was practically spreading the infection again.

Social worker Rachel Hoffman, who practices in New York and focuses on intimacy and sexuality, reports that she has observed comparable outcomes in her clients who have recurring yeast infections.

Furthermore, when they are being stored, sex toys may get coated with dust and other debris.

The maker of your toy should be your first choice if you need washing instructions. For example, certain toys are safe to put in the dishwasher.

Hoffman notes, “The majority of products will specify exactly how to wash them.” However, she and Dweck agree that starting with warm, soapy water is a smart idea if you are unclear about the precise instructions for your item.

To Lower the Risk of Infection, Think About Using a Condom

“People who share toys with a partner most definitely should use condoms to cover phallic-shaped toys,” advises Dweck. This is because there is still a possibility of illness transmission even if you thoroughly clean your toys. A whole day after vibrators were used and cleaned, human papillomavirus residues were discovered on them, according to one research.

Dweck continues, saying that if you move the body parts coming into touch with the toy—for example, from oral to vaginal use—you should replace the condom.

Avoid household items and use sex toys as intended.

Spend some time reading the instructions when you receive a new sex toy. Dweck advises beginning with sex toys cautiously and stopping if anything hurts. Dweck also advises against using everyday objects as sex toys. She has observed patients using, among other things, bananas and cucumbers.

Dweck continues, “We frequently witness people using cell phones on electric or vibrating toothbrushes.” What gives rise to this? The batteries might not be securely enclosed, which could lead to a caustic reaction of some kind.

Contrarily, food goods have a tendency to be fairly porous, which implies that they may harbor bacteria and perhaps spread illness.

Purchase from a Reputable Firm

It might be difficult to verify the safety of the products you’re purchasing because the sex toy market is expanding daily. Experts advise beginning with due diligence on reliable manufacturers and seeking for businesses that are open and honest about their offerings. It is a fantastic place to start if a company offers comprehensive information on the materials it uses as well as thorough instructions on how to use and clean their toys.

Hoffman notes, “A lot of people are buying from places like Amazon these days, but unless you are very well versed in products, it can be hard to know what you are getting.” Look into what people are saying about the items online through verified reviews if you want to shop at an online merchant rather than make a purchase in person.

The market for sex toys is booming. By 2030, the sector may be worth more than $75 billion, according to current estimates, which put it at over $40 billion. Everyone is using it these days, including couples and single users as well as millennials and baby boomers. Sex toys may even be good for your…